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Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Acupuncture or Alexander Technique both proved clinically significant in the reduction of neck pain


Acupuncture or Alexander Technique both proved clinically significant in the reduction of neck pain.

A randomised controlled trial of 12 acupuncture sessions or 20 one on one Alexander Technique lessons proved a better reduction in pain and associated disability vs usual care (physical therapy and drugs).

Criteria for trial inclusion was neck pain for more than 3 months . Median duration for neck pain was 6 years. 517 Participants were requited and randomly assigned into the 3 groups.


At the 12 month follow up the results were:

Acupuncture = 3.92 % reduction in NPQ pain questionnaire (Northwick park questionnaire)

Alexander Technique = 3.79 %  reduction in NPQ pain questionnaire

As compared to usual care of physical therapy and drugs.


Compared to baseline measure at the start of the study they were

Acupuncture = 32 % reduction in NPQ pain questionnaire (Northwick park questionnaire)

Alexander Technique = 31 %

12 month follow up


What is Alexander technique:
A form of postural training that teaches people how to avoid unnecessary muscular and mental tension during every day activities.

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Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Life long skier still going at 95, very impressive

Klaus Obermeyer , 95 and still skiing

Amazing story. Klaus Obermeyer,  life long skier and still doing it well.
He is  95, still gets out on the planks , does martial arts daily (akido), swims, tries to eat vegan (but cheats a little) and still runs a business. What an amazing bar he has set … also inspiration it can be done.

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